WHEW! It has been quite a crazy couple of days. Seems to me like Bella is going through a big change. For the past two days she has been glued to me. Each and everytime I leave the room she has a total meltdown! I haven't been able to do anything around the house at all. Awhile ago I had researched and read that this usually doesn't happen until babies are around 8 months or so, and even later in toddler-hood. I thought that it seemed too advanced for her to be acting this way so young, here's one of the articles I read: http://www.parents.com/baby/development/separation-anxiety/static-cling-separation-anxiety/ - Which didn't seem like too helpful of an article after reading the one posted by Baby Center: http://www.babycenter.com/0_separation-anxiety_145.bc Stating that the separation anxiety can occur as early as 6 months (Bella is almost 5). So that makes sense, but holy moly! What's a Momma to do? There are only so many times during the day that I can let her cry it out and soothe herself.
After a little research it does makes sense for her to be going through this though, as a stay at home Mommy with a Husband who works long, late hours I am the primary person with her 24/7, so I am going to start giving her a little time with my Grandmother or my Cousin who both live in close proximity and help her to get past her anxiety. I'm sure other Mommies share my concerns about it, especially when you know you should let them cry it out and work it out on their own it is really hard and exhausting to let them be so upset for too long. Tugs on those Mommy heartstrings almost too hard to wanna stand! I just keep telling myself that she will be okay, and that it's only going to be doing her an injustice later on if I pick her up and give in to her every cry for me. Breathe! Breathe! Breathe! I hope she gets past this soon, for the sake of us both, Mommy hates those crocodile tears!
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